Adding Team Members

Managing team members

HelloScribe HQ avatar
Written by HelloScribe HQ
Updated over a week ago

This quick guide will show you how to create and manage your team, ensuring each member is set up for success.

Step 1: Navigate to Team Settings

Start on the HelloScribe homepage. Click on your username at the top right corner and select 'Team Settings' from the dropdown menu. You are now in the command center for your team.

Step 2: Adding Team Members

In the Team Settings, find and click on the 'Add Team Member' button. You'll be asked to enter the email address of the person you want to invite to your team. After entering the email, click 'Add Member'.

Step 3: Accepting the Invitation

The invitee will receive an email with an invitation to join your team on HelloScribe. They need to click the link in this email, which will take them to a sign-up page to create their own HelloScribe account.

Step 4: Managing Your Team

Back in the Team Settings, you can view all your team members. You can see who has accepted your invitation and joined the team. If necessary, you can also remove team members from here.

Step 5: Understanding Individual Workspaces

Each team member has their own workspace within HelloScribe. This personal space contains all the content they create, from inputs to outputs. This structure maintains individual privacy and creativity.

*Note: Please remind your team members to promptly accept their invitations for a smooth and efficient setup process.*

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