Reset Your Password

How to reset your password.

HelloScribe HQ avatar
Written by HelloScribe HQ
Updated over a week ago

If you prefer the password method of authentication, and you've forgotten your password (it happens to all of us), there's an easy way to reset your password.

1. Select "Continue with Email"

2. Next, enter your email and select "Sign In with Password"

3. Next, select "Forgot your password"

4. You will receive a password reset email in your inbox.

5. Once you've received the email, click on the provided link, and change your password.


Your password will be successfully updated, and you can log in with your new password.

Here is the password reset link for your convenience.

Remember, HelloScribe's support team is always available to assist if you encounter any issues during the login or account creation. Just reach out to us for help.

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